Anime Boston in Review

Nerds Helping Nerds in Times of Need

Anime Boston in Review

Most of us are still recovering from Anime Boston last weekend. It was one heck of a weekend and then some. Anime Boston 2013 was our largest and most successful show to date with over 21,000 people in attendance. We had no major complaints or issues from the Anime Boston Staff, Hynes Convention Center or the Hotel. In fact all of the comments we have been hearing have been nothing but positive. We were a intricate part of the combined medical response team of the Convention center and Anime Boston. We?were able to be first on scene of many medical incidents since we were out in the convention center patrolling.?We are fast showing the convention community that we are good at what we do and we take pride in that.

We have put together a photo slide show of some of the people we met last weekend. You can view a extended version of the photo show on our facebook page?

(Roll your cursor over a picture to click through the slide show)

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Operation Hammond