Regarding ConnectiCon 2021

This is a notice that due to Operation Hammond’s assessment of the current situation with the Delta variant and other circumstances beyond our control, we will not be providing services at ConnectiCon 2021.
We are highly concerned about the risks of attending conventions in the fall of 2021. Operation Hammond is deeply concerned about the latest COVID-19 Delta data from federal, state, and local public health authorities. Furthermore, we are also worried about new and emerging information regarding the Lambda variant.
If despite the unfavorable epidemiological trend in the country, organizers elect to hold an event, Operation Hammond will evaluate risk on a case-by-case basis to determine if we can safely provide services.
Please understand that we are on your team. Operation Hammond wants events to be successful, safe, healthy, and fun. We are hoping to see events return as soon as it’s safely possible. Being on your side and at your service, though, in this case, means candidly and emphatically stating when we believe there is risk.
If you are an event organizer, please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to provide advice on event safety and have frequently updated infectious disease planning guides available to help you make crucial decisions.
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.